Don’t Conform… Transform.

Johnson, Chris. Don’t Conform. 2023.

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I can hear the words echoing through the halls of my mind. “Don’t conform… transform.” And while that Christian message was always easy to say and remains for me a “catchy phrase,” there was nothing easy about living it.


To say, “Don’t conform,” is to choose a way of life that opposes the status quo. It is to walk left when others are walking right. It is to sit when others stand. Simply stated, those who choose not to conform also choose not to fit in. As a Christian, not conforming is to follow the path of Jesus; Not simply the moral path of choosing obedience, but also choosing to go wherever he leads.


The natural consequence of humbly following Christ is transformation. Those who walk behind the master find themselves hearing his teachings, experiencing his graces, and witnessing his miraculous power. Disciples get to see firsthand the master at his work. How can these individuals not be changed? How can they possibly fail to experience his metamorphosis?


Of course, there have been those who have come into contact with Christ, but were not transformed. Judas was not transformed into the likeness of Jesus. Still, Judas chose to conform to the pattern of the world when the other Apostles submitted to Christ’s path. In the same way, there were plenty of Pharisees and teachers of the Law who were not transformed. Yet Nicodemus experienced rebirth because he would no longer follow their way of thinking. Thus, transformation into the nature of Christ begins with an openness and willingness to follow him with all of our being. As we fully step into his way of being, we experience the metamorphosis only he can provide.

Transform Tee


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